A message from RIPE Ron Burton

RIPE Ron Burton
RIPE Ron Burton
I am happy to report that we are making significant progress with our “First Class Initiative” – asking all 2013-14 zone, district and club leaders to consider a personal contribution to the Foundation before the 2013 International Convention.

As you can see, the 2013-14 district governors, district Rotary Foundation chairs and club presidents have contributed more than $2.6 million for the life-changing grants and activities of our Foundation. I am humbled by the tremendous response and I thank you for your continued support of this historic initiative.

AS OF 21 MARCH 2013

2013-14 District Governors: 100% contributing $736,532.24
2013-14 District Foundation Chairs: 333 contributing $485,330.79
2013-14 Club Presidents: 5791 contributing $1,411,173.32
TOTAL CONTRIBUTED: $2,633,036.35

Please extend my sincere thanks to everyone in your districts who have made their gift. I am deeply grateful for their leadership and generous support. I look forward to sharing with you next month that we have further increased our numbers and are on our way to reaching 100% participation.

P.S. Governor Mark has challenged the 2012-13 president’s class to do the same, by contributing as minimum of $100 this year too. Can’t let the president-elects get the best of us!