Foundation Banquet Special Auction Offer

Hear Ye, Hear Ye
We have a very special auction offer
at the Foundation Banquet, Nov. 17th!

Saturday April 20th, 2013 Past International President Ray Klinginsmith will host the highest bidder, along with a person of his or her choice, on a tour of the Council on Legislation chamber in Chicago, and Rotary International headquarters in Evanston, IL. The Rotary Board of Directors will be in a work session preparing for the opening of the Council the following day.

The offer includes lunch in Evanston and dinner with Ray and Judie in Downtown Chicago.

Travel arrangements to Chicago can be with 6080 representative Sherry Nielsen who will also be participating in the event. Lodging can be made at the COL hotel if desired. (Travel and Lodging will be the responsibility of the bidder.)